huey's BNB Trade 14.90

Trade Detail

huey's BNB Trade 14.90

Trade Details


Nov. 24, 2021, 4:33 p.m.








BNB - View rating




Trend Line Bounce,

Featured Image / Proof


Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
582.1 597.0 0.0 1.0 597.0 2.50% 14.90 14.90

Auto-generated Chart BETA

Coming soon: Multi-time range selection, additional charts, custom settings, forex/crypto and more! Unlock with fasttrack.


i picked binance because the chart looked very volitile comparerd to the skateboard ramps ive been seeing recntly

I had my boubts on this one i got super close to my stop loss when i checked up in it half way, but i rode it out on the princible and i woke up this morning in valhalla!! (20 fake dollars) xDD im still stoked. Im actually loving this, I like to use my intelect, intuition to predict the market. makes me feel all smart n shit;) 

next time i gotta includde several screenshots of my TA on multiple timeframes, i think ill do this on new or uncommon tickers i trade to provide a complete show of my process\thoughts for the inventory im not trading as often. for my more common/go to tickers ill likeley just need one maybe two screenshots.

okay i spent some time reveiwing the trade and figured out how to take a screenshot 

just figured out im limited to one picture s o ill just have to be mor detailed/thought out in my analisis. guess not actually i can add mor if i edit the trade but i wont for now this is taking forever


Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
Nov. 23, 2021 12:44:22 Exit 1.0 597.0 0.0 None
Nov. 24, 2021 09:27:05 Entry 1.0 582.1 0.0 None

CTMX 89.58

Portfolio(s): Day Trading Momo,
Last entry Jan. 6, 2023, 7:07 a.m.

RDHL 3.92

Portfolio(s): Toby,
Last entry Nov. 29, 2023, 8:55 a.m.

LODE 33.32

Portfolio(s): Day Trading Momo,
Last entry Feb. 17, 2021, 7:55 a.m.

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